History, Faculty, and Curriculum
The Holy Spirit. This is the ancient and esoteric teachings of the One True Invisible God that created the universe and everything in it, preserved, protected and guarded in their pristine and unadulterated form. It is the waters of life that are free of price. The core curriculum of seven levels or grades in which the guide and the seekers undergo a series of informal discussions to attempt to come to a common understanding. It is a free education in religion and spirituality. The college includes three levels of deepening in knowledge and education similar to bachelors, masters, and doctorate format. The core curriculum of seven levels constitutes the general bachelors program.
Historically this pure knowledge in our school was revealed by the Creator through the Supreme Manifestation of God, Baha'u'llah (circa 1863) in the potency of the Everlasting Father, preserved in the Covenant of Abdu'l-Baha and relocated here to the Rocky Mountains of the United States by Abdu'l-Baha's son and successor to the throne Mason Remey, established and preserved in 1963 by Dr. Leland Jensen, Knight of Baha'u'llah, High Priest after the Order of Melchizedec. All the faculty in our school is authenticated under the provisions of the covenant through the education of Dr. Jensen loyal to the living Davidic kingship which is the dean of our college.
You can contact the school to make arrangements to attend the core curriculum of the seven basic firesides, which takes about one week and is given for free at any time or interval during our annual session which begins March 21st and concludes Sept. 21st of each year
By appointment only.